It’s been
just over 3 weeks in Korea now, and I can finally read Korean! I just have no idea what the words that I’m
reading mean. It’s surprisingly one of
the easiest alphabets to learn.
living in a foreign country always comes with lots of challenges and
adventures. Each week is like an
emotional rollercoaster. Some days are
great, and some just suck…but that’s just what you sign up for.
I’ve had many more happy days than sucky days here. The food is great, I’ve found a great group
of friends through ultimate Frisbee, and I have excellent co-workers.
enough, the thing I struggle with most here is the monotony of my job. Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy being
a teacher and working with kids! It’s
just that, at the end of the day, I am working a 9-5, Monday thru Friday job,
which is a first for me. I even wear
ties to work sometimes! (I once wrote in
my bucket list to never wear a suit for a job)
I’ve worked
around 10 different jobs so far in my life, each one different from the
next. I’ve been a lifeguard, snowboard
instructor, camp counselor, German teacher, study abroad adviser, cashier,
hiking guide, hotel maintenance worker, truck loader and a few more. Almost none of them were 9-5.
This isn’t
meant to be a complaint by any means either.
I love what I’m doing. It’s just
a bit ironic that having taken a job on the opposite side of the world,
monotony ended up being my biggest challenge yet.
Who woulda
thunk that?
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