Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A Week in the Life

I’m coming up on 9 months here, and to celebrate I thought I’d write down what my weekly routine over here has developed into.  Probably not that exciting to read, but it’s always nice to take a moment and reflect on everything going on in one’s life.  I’ve really come to appreciate the lifestyle I have over here, and I guess I hope that by posting this I’ll always be able to come back and remember the day-to-day life I created for myself halfway around the world.

Let’s begin with Monday…

7:00 A.M wake up, drink coffee, have breakfast, get ready for work, walk out the door at 8:00. 

This semester I only have 4 classes on Monday’s, although they are all 2nd grade middle schoolers, which means sometimes they can be a bit of a struggle.  2 classes before lunch, 2 after lunch.  When I’m not teaching on Monday’s I’ll usually spend time at my desk studying Korean if I’m productive, or trying my best to look busy while exploring the infinite rabbit holes of the internet…lately it’s been more of the latter.

After work on Monday I’ll come home around 4:40 and take a nap until 5:10 (I know, how lucky am I to be able to schedule naps into my day?!).  For a while I was volunteering at a local English-speaking theatre program for kids from 6:00 to 7:00, but that ended recently so now Monday evenings are usually my gaming nights at the PC room.  In bed by 11:00 (hopefully).

And on to Tuesday…

7:00 A.M wake up, drink coffee, have breakfast, get ready for work, walk out the door at 8:00. 

Again 4 classes on Tuesday.  Two 1st grade and two 2nd grade.  Three in the morning and one in the afternoon.  If there’s lesson planning to do, I’ll start it on Tuesday when I’m not teaching, otherwise it’s pretty much the same as Monday.

Tuesdays after work are a little busy, but I’m still able to get my daily after-school nap in!  From 6:00 to 7:00 I volunteer at the local English-speaking theatre and then from 8:00 to 10:00 I go to a language exchange for some Korean speaking practice.  In bed by 11:00 (hopefully)

And Wednesday…

7:00 A.M wake up, drink coffee, have breakfast, get ready for work, walk out the door at 8:00. 

Wednesday is truly hump day this semester.  I have 6 classes, all three grades, three in the morning and three in the afternoon.  I don’t have much down time on Wednesday’s, so any time I do spend at my desk is usually spent trying to figure out the most inconspicuous way to nap while sitting up.

During the summer after work I’d usually go downtown to the city park for skate night with the Ulsan longboarding crew, but it’s been a bit too cold for that lately.  These days I usually just chill at home and study or read.  In bed by 11:00 (hopefully)

And Thursday…

7:00 A.M wake up, drink coffee, have breakfast, get ready for work, walk out the door at 8:00. 

Another four-class day.  3 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, all grades.  I’ll usually finish up whatever lesson planning there is during my downtime on this day (if there is any) and then study Korean/browse the web.

Thursday after school is definitely one of my favorite times of the week.  First, I head down to city hall for a Korean language class from 6:00 to 7:00 and then head out to Ulsan university around 8:00 for TTT!  TTT is Thursday, Throwing, Trivia.  This is where a few of us get together and practice Frisbee throwing for a while, and then head to a convenience store/bar (it’s exactly what it sounds like) for drinks and phone trivia games.  This little Thursday ritual is probably one of the things I’ve come to love most about my time here.


7:00 A.M wake up, drink coffee, have breakfast, get ready for work, walk out the door at 8:00. 

Fridays are my favorite days for teaching. Four classes again, two in the morning, two in the afternoon, but they’re all 3rd grade students!  I really enjoy teaching the 3rd graders at my school because, despite all the constant studying and tests they have, they still show up to my class excited and well-behaved – much more than I can say for myself at that age.  I’m very grateful for this.  It’s pretty hard to do much of anything productive at my desk on Friday’s, but I have been practicing a Latin dance routine in the afternoons with the other 3rd grade teachers for a performance we’ll be doing at the end of the semester… that should be interesting!

Friday after school varies.  During the Frisbee season, I try to stay in since Saturday and Sunday tend to be filled with lots of partying and running around.  Otherwise I might go into town for some drinks with friends.

Saturday is always different, but generally consists of either Frisbee tournaments or hiking…and sometimes beer and soju.

Sunday is well, Sunday – usually a day of chilling at home.  If I’m feeling motivated I’ll do another Korean lesson, otherwise I miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight be nursing a wee-bit of a hangover.  Oh yeah, there’s also trivia night every other Sunday, which is always a nice way to cap off the weekend.

So… yeah, that’s it.  Again, not that exciting, but I’ve really come to enjoy what I’m doing here.  I have copious amounts of free time to focus on things that I want to do over here, and I really appreciate that. 

If you made it this far, congrats and thanks for reading!  I wish I could give you a cookie or something…

Much love,
