Sunday, January 7, 2018


I had somewhat of an epiphany the other day regarding happiness, and I wrote it down in my journal.  As it was something new to me, I figure I might as well put it here in hopes that it helps someone else out too.  Anyway, here it is:

I’m really quite happy at this point in my life.  I want future me to remember that this is really what happiness is – just being very content with everything happening in your life.  It’s not constant stimulation and excitement, but rather like being in sailboat with a nice, easy breeze, looking about you and enjoying the serenity of the moment.  No doubt, there will be rough patches in my future, and that’s why I write this.  In those future moments, I hope to read this and remember that despite all difficulties going at that time, all it takes to be happy is to just change what can be changed and be content with the rest.  Always seek improvement, but more than that always seek contentment.

Teaching in Korea has brought me lots of free time and isolation (hence, this post haha).  Free time because I get to leave work every day at 4:30 and forget about it, and isolation because I live in a relatively secluded part of town.  When I first arrived here I struggled with that a bit.  I wanted the exciting life of an ESL backpacker/teacher.  After my first semester here, however, I have learned how to appreciate my quiet/distraction-free life I have right now – in other words, I’m content…and happy!!!

Maybe it makes sense to you, maybe it doesn’t.  Either way, I’ll be sending happiness vibes your way!

Happy Sunday and much love,
